Q2 Energy Brand Identity

A brand identity created from an exercise that allowed only one random letter and number.


The process

This exercise began with a random letter and number that would be used to create an entire brand identity from scratch. The drawn letter/number was Q and 2, two very difficult symbols to combine and create a logo from. The challenge proved to push my thought process as to how I was going to combine them to create a uniform logo. Shown in this image are some of the first and final iterations of the process to obtain the final goal of the logo. Once one was chosen, it was time to create the brand identity.

Q2 Energy was a concept I had decided on to combat other energy drink companies, in hopes to produce something more minimalistic and less eccentric as other drinks such as Bang or Monster. I wanted to prove that energy drinks could look appealing even without all the extra design elements added to it.


Color choices

Ultimately when it comes to food/beverage packaging, color tremendously stands out, especially for energy drinks. I began the next step by deciding what colors I thought would work well together and would stand out on the shelf. I provided all the colors that would work well with the brand and for different flavors respectively.

These colors are in no particular order and rather show the process of deciding on the ones needed for the success of the exercise.



Finalizing this identity was to create the actual collateral that would display the brand logo. This version of the Q2 Energy can was designed to represent the first flavor, blackberry.

The package itself remains sleek with a pattern on the background of lightning bolts to symbolize the subtle yet effective energy within the container. Both the can and bar incorporate the logo and slogan “Quick To Energize” in hopes that the consumer would easily be able to identify and recollect the brand from memory.


Design School Wayfinding