Object Wireframe
Tasked with taking a glass object and recreating it in a three-dimensional space using ellipses and planes with exact measurements.
Complex translations
Taking an object as dynamic as a vase and recreating it as a vector was a challenging experience. This project started with weeks of visually understanding every curve, shape, and size of the vase from inside to out through countless illustrations from each perspective.
Precise measurements were taken from the thickness of the glass to the diameters of the objects widest and thinnest points. Once these details were written down and in place, I began translating my illustrations to digital, starting with three planes. These planes included the top-most, bottom-most, and widest points of the piece.
Planes and ellipses
Along with the development of this project, I photographed all my adjustments and notes on the print outs of the wireframe. These images show a couple of the larger points of progression throughout the project. Structurally I wanted to make everything as accurate as possible so I made several planes and ellipses for each area of the vase to insure that the measurements equated to the real object.
One of the larger problems I ran into was the eight facets around the vase that didn’t have an accurate way of measuring them since they spun around it. I confronted this issue by drawing it from one perspective and eventually measuring out each facets points on the widest plane to ensure the perspective was accurate.
Painting shadows
Once the wireframe was completed, I began working on the shadows that translated through the glass. I placed the vase on a light table at the same angle that I had used for the wireframe and began to paint. After these shadows were drawn initially, I revised them until I got the right organic shapes needed to make this come to life. When I felt comfortable with my paintings, I scanned them, overlaid them on my wireframe and began adjusting the sizing. I continued to revise the paintings with the correct measurements until it resembled the actual object.